Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bluebells in Bristol

It's nice to see how flowers seem to take their turns to bloom in spring.  The first sign of spring was the sprouting of daffodils in March.  Next, were the tulips and other colourful perennials.  In April, bluebells started to make their appearance in people's lawn, but the ones you saw, would most probably be of the migrant spanish variant. If you want to see English bluebells, you would have to venture into the woods :)
In Bristol, there are a few places to admire bluebells.  One of them is Abbots Leigh, in North Somerset.

The scenic road to Abbots Leigh

We went there without high hopes because we were aware that the temperamental weather (more rain than sun) had stunted the growth of flowers all over England.  Yet, we harboured the hope of seeing bluebells in the woodlands, just as we had witnessed last spring in North Cornwall (blog post belum keluar lagi... hahaha!).

It was a sunny day.  Sheep laid on the green meadows - a common sight in England, Wales and Kg. Dioh in Kuala Pilah :P.

Walking through the dense foliage, felt like home @ Malaysia. Steering away from the well-trodden path,  we found the carpets of violet and blue :).

Bluebell wood in Abbots Leigh
We carefully weaved our way through the undergrowth, making sure we didn't tread on any bluebells.  Stepping or even picking flowers is a no-no among the Mat Sallehs, hatta wildflowers sekali pun.

Hyacinthoides non-scripta aka English bluebells

There were not many bluebells as we had anticipated, but enough for me to feast my eyes and plan for some shots.  This time around, though, I had to share my camera with a photographer pencen.  Hubby who has long given up photography as he opined that digital photography was not as challenging as single-lense reflex, suddenly decided to pick-up the camera again.  Adoi!!  Bukan main lagi hogging my camera... camni rupanya purist ambik gambar... (tersangatlah) SLOW AND STEADY (pasang tripod bagai).  

Bokeh and bikin :)
Anyway, I managed to 'kidnap' my camera every now and then, and  QUICKLY snapped some shots of the bluebells basking in the glorious afternoon light.  Siap ada BOKEH lagi!  Well... some more pleasing to the eyes than others... saya budak baru belajar :)

A pleasing bokeh?
The photos taken by hubs were not bad at all but I couldn't upload them here because they are in RAW format.  Yeah, the purist is warming-up to photo-editting :)

As usual, there's no photos of me because I was the photographer :).

A very modest spread of violet and blue

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