The past week saw me in yet another role: a nurse. With two sick children, my home was instantly transformed into a sick ward. Besides giving my sons their fever medicine, I also relied on my trusted kitchen remedy - hibiscus leaf cool compress. The hibiscus flower, scientifically known as hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is also known as Bunga Raya in Malay . Before I discovered this effective kitchen remedy, I used to sponge my child who has fever with a wet handkerchief to lower his soaring temperature. It was my MIL who told me about the cooling and soothing effects of squeezed hibiscus leaf juice. Though skeptical, I tried this traditional remedy and found that the hibiscus leaf cool compress cools the body faster and longer compared to plain water compress.
Below are some FAQs about the Hibiscus Leaf Cool Compress
1. How to prepare the compress?
Senang je. Pluck some leaves from the hibiscus plant. Put them in a bowl of water. Kemudian ramas daun hingga keluar lendir.
Next, soak an absorbent handkerchief in the 'slimey' water. Squeeze excess water out of the handkerchief.*
Below are some FAQs about the Hibiscus Leaf Cool Compress
1. How to prepare the compress?
Senang je. Pluck some leaves from the hibiscus plant. Put them in a bowl of water. Kemudian ramas daun hingga keluar lendir.
Put the damp handkerchief on the poor-young-thing's head. Avoid rubbing the cool compress on the child's skin.
According to my BIL who's a doctor, rubbing creates heat, which in turn increases temperature. Just pat the compress on the forehead or other parts of the body to lower the temperature. Refreshen the compress now and then by soaking the handkerchief in the concoction.
2. Is the concoction smelly?
It has this 'leafy' 'pandany' smell which is not quite smelly. To improve the smell, add a pandan leaf.
3. Which species of hibiscus plant is to be used?
Good question. There are many types of hibiscus species and hybrids. The plant in question is the bright red Bunga Kebangsaan species.
4. Is it easy to find the bunga raya?
Kalau susah nak jumpa, tanam aje belakang rumah (tiru macam saya...). It can be propagated by stem-cuttings. Just plant a stem-cutting into the soil. With adequate water and sunlight, this hardy plant will thrive in no time.
Try this remedy to lower children's fever.
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