Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Digital Camera Magazine

While browsing through magazines at a news-stand recently, I saw this gem of a magazine: Digital Camera Magazine. Thought it was a mag from abroad. At close scrutiny, it appeared to be a local mag. Just the perfect magazine for a novice photographer-cum-blogger like me. The month's special focus - capturing close-ups of flowers - saw me depart with my 9.00 Ringgit. Kan I tengah gila ambil gambar bunga! He! He!
From the editorial I discovered that the magazine has actually been around since January 2006. Luckily, I can still obtain back copies if I want to. The publisher is in fact in SS 15. That's what I love about Subang Jaya. Semuanya ada di sini!
The magazine covered a range of topics. Among others, a section entitled "Out There" gave readers tips on taking photos in different situations. "Techniques" guided readers in using tools/software to edit photos. In "New Gears", the writers reviewed new cameras and gadgets in the market. Photos sent by readers were displayed in "Your Photos". Other topics included "Interviews" and "Regulars". All the articles were written in layman's terms (some magazines can be technically intimidating). Contest freaks out there would be pleased to know that the mag ran a few.
Can't wait for the June 2008 issue!

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